Monday, September 10, 2012

Pagan Pride 2012

Pagan Pride day was this past Saturday here in The Whale's Vagina.  Sven and I are members of a small independent Asatru kindred, and with one member having moved out of state, another accepting a teaching job overseas and some sporadic attendance from others due to ill health or childcare, we had become mildly concerned with its survival.  A number of months ago I suggested a table at Pagan Pride and we agreed that at $10 to reserve a booth space, it was a small enough bet to take, especially since most of us would be attending anyway.

Sven and I also sprung $50 for a 9x9 (hee) sun canopy.  Everyone brought outdoor chairs and we had two folding tables. 

Having that booth was very worth the work and time.  It was very popular.  At one point Sven was left alone for an hour towards the end and he had no fewer than four people who were very interested.  Two others appeared at our Pubmoot the next day.  What drew them in was one of our ladies using a drop spindle, plus the Norse mythology books on our table.  Three of us did rune readings, but I still think that our kinswoman spinning in a traditional method was the most eye-catching thing.

Like most Pagan events, this one is mostly Wiccan.  The ADF had a table, as did a small and strange little Thelemite group that seemed to be Goth early 20-somethings.  Along with us, that was it for the non-Wiccan contingent.  We had a lot of people saying that they'd been looking for an Asatru group but been unable to find one.

I think we had fewer vendors than in other years, but there was very nice stuff.  A full list can be found on the San Diego Pagan Pride website, but I'd like to especially plug Katla's "The Well and Spindle" shop on Etsy.  Katla had a physical booth at SDPP, and it was beautiful.  Hopefully the booth will lead to more Etsy sales.  She makes runes and Viking knit necklaces along with hoodoo oils and sprays. 

My take ended up being a cloisonne Mjollnir in turquoise and red, an altar tile with a Mjollnir on it from Katla's shop, a replacement for the ceramic sun-and-moon pendant my cat broke earlier this year and some soaps.

It was a long day.  Sven, a kinsman and I were setting up at 8:00 am or so, and we broke down nine hours later.  Sven made copies of informational flyers, brought subs for lunch, and other errands.  He is fussy about who he hangs out with, and I knew that he'd declare the event "fluffy bunny", but at one point there were three other godsfearing redneck Asatru males with him, talking about going shooting next week, so that was fun for him.

Next year, we'll have a vinyl banner, informational flyers or cards for how to get in touch with us, and nobody will have to stay all day because that many hours in the sun gets brutal.  We'll have a different team setting up and breaking down.

Hope your weekend was fun and productive as well!

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